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the Quilt Festival 2023
The Quilt Festival will live to see her seventh edition on June 9, 10 and 11 of 2023. from 10.00 to 17.00 hour.
We are delighted to inform you that the preparations are underway and information is now available on the specific pages of this website. Check the pages for the competition and how to enroll.
We are proud to inform you that the exhibition is allready fully booked and we can accept no futher applications at this moment.
Unfortunately, during the printing of the flyer and the program booklet, the Zandeweer location was lost. The location is mentioned in the program booklet itself.
You can now order tickets for the Quiltfestival 2023. Click here.
For questions or appllications to be a volunteer during the festival, send us an email at info@quiltfestval.nl
We look forward to seeing one another in our beautiful Hogeland in June 2023!